Monday, August 27, 2007

Guest Blog--Twilight, Review 2

Okay, I know the blogger master already reviewed this book. However, I'm going to add my two cents.

This was definitely not my favorite book, and I like young adult and romance. Granted, I may have been a bit biased by Blogger. It took me quite a while to get through the first 150 pages, and then I admit I stayed up in the middle of the night to finish it.

Despite being pulled in by the end, I ask, "What is so special about this book?" What makes this book better than other YA adult authors who never made the best seller list? The writing isn't great, the story isn't that spectactular, so why all of the hype? Why is Twilight so much better than the endless Eve Bunting books I read (and quickly forgot) as a teenager?

1 comment:

Blogger said...

I have intense guilt that I've poisoned so many people with my Stephenie Meyer vendetta.